Advanced skills and reflective practices in Nursing
This intensive 8-week online course is designed to provide registered nurses with a comprehensive understanding of the nursing process and the importance of reflection in nursing practice. The course will guide learners through patient assessment techniques, patient-centered care planning, and advanced nursing interventions. It will also focus on the evaluation and modification of care plans based on their effectiveness. The course will further delve into the concept of reflective practice in nursing, its role in enhancing patient care, and its impact on professional development. The learners will be encouraged to critically appraise and reflect on their nursing practices and identify areas for improvement. The course will also emphasize the construction of reflective writings to document personal and professional growth in nursing. Drawing upon the Code of Professional Standards, the course aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to uphold the highest standards of practice, professionalism, and patient safety. Prerequisite: Background in Nursing.